RCH Training for Girls
The girls and women of salt pans workers, Tribe, Gypsy and rural poor are getting health sanitation training and freeing from RTI/STD, Anemia, hygienic and sanitation problem, earlier marriage, unsafe sex, undesirable pregnancy and unsafe abortion. In their family’s extreme poverty, bondage and cultural backwardness, the girls are affecting severely by health, education, earlier marriage, sex abuse, lack of sanitation and hygienic and mental aspects.
Earlier marriage, unsafe sex, low health and sanitation, affection by STD/RTI, risk in HIV/AIDS, undesired pregnancy and unsafe abortion, anemia and no hygienic existed among the adolescents’ girls due to the lack of knowledge, cultural backwardness, superstition, food & nutrias deficiency and parents care lacking
ROSI has given RCH training to 10500 girls and women on cleaning hands, personnel hygienic when menses and napkin using, anemia prevention, safe sex, earlier marriage and its affection, RT/STD. HIV/AIDS, etc. This training is still on going to other girls and women.
Now the trained girls are with personnel hygienic, free of anemia, using napkin, washing hands and body properly, taking tablets and treatment for STD/RTI, etc. they are free of the risk of diseases. They are following personnel hygienic, anemia prevention, stopping earlier marriage and knowledge on sex. The families members are also following the hands cleaning, personnel hygienic, realizing of earlier marriage and affection, abuses of the girls when parents’ absence, etc....
 This is one trained girls group
 RCH Support For Tribe Women And Girls
Naturopathy and Yoga Programme
Health programme in Allopathy, Naturopathy and alternative medicine toward sustainable health to be achieved. In the works, nursery and herbal garden promotion in Kitchen garden, endangered medicinal plants conservation, training on cultivation, medicine processing, add value processing and application.
Naturopathy and Yoga motivational programme as joint programme with National Institute of Naturopathy, Pune –India. It gives training and practical demonstration on Natural food and Yoga. Its main theme is ‘food as medicine and medicine as food’. It reduce the effectively the medicine and improve the health sustainability. This programme is on going continuously targeting women population.
 Beneficiaries under health exercise
 Beneficiaries under Yoga Training
 Herbal identification and distribution for diseases

She is aged and very poor. She was affected by Cataract problem. Her family was very poor and could not meet the expenses for the operation. She was suffering in visual problem and maintaining herself for her small needs. In our support, she got her visual power and Eye operation through ARAVIND EYE Hospital, Madurai. Then she was undergone cataract-IOL operation and got visual in her left eye again
She has power and visual in the operated eye. She is now maintaining her daily works and habits herself. The support gives to her visual and confidence of life.
Similarly the programme is supporting so many aged and poor people in rural area.
Please visit:1.Youtube video1