ROSI FOUNDATION is running aged home with 27 inmates in Illuppur, Pudukkottai district, Tamil Nadu (India). They have been abandoned by their families. They are unable to earn for their upkeep because of the age. They were weak in health due to age, hunger and health problems. It was difficult for them to get even one meal a day.
ROSI Foundation stepped in to help. They had a pair of clothes and a plate when we took them in. they were suffering severely from hunger, ill health; left isolated by the community. They have been provided food, clothes, medicine, recreation and accommodation. They stay with friends in the same age group that relieves their mental oppression
Now in our support they are free of the feeling of isolation. They are now with a group of aged persons in the home with happiness in sharing their thoughts and problems with each other. He is under care and support in the home. Their health problems are solved and he is free from hunger with accommodation.
Recreation Supports
In Home, News paper, TV, Chess, Caramboard, Thayam and Magazine are available in the home for the inmates’ recreation. They are playing and passing time in the recreations.
Soap, Oil, Detergent, tooth powder, etc are provided fortnightly to all inmates that will be sufficient to them. Similarly hair cutting is supported monthly once to male.
Dress and Blanket Support
Dress is given to all inmates two times in the year. Bed sheet and blanket are given once in a year. Further every inmate have cot, mat and pillow separately.
Food support
Daily tow times tea and snacks are given. Three time food in that weekly one time chicken and one time egg/fish are given to them.
Health Support
Monthly once Nutrias and iron tablets are given to them. But in the need of disease, they become either inpatient in Govt hospital or private health centre. They are staying and getting treatment there. The expenses are also done by ROSI FOUNDATION.
In the inmates, most of them are requiring health support due to their age and disease. Health counselling is also being done to them by both allopathic and herbal methods.
Counselling to the inmates is given to relieve from the isolation and abuses of relation. This is very useful to them. Some families’ members of the inmate are also counselled that give results of rejoining with them.
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