The widow and destitute women are completely isolated from their relations and community after husband. They have young children and not have any skills for working and earning. Mostly they have been depending the husband. But in the separation of husband, Poverty, hunger and sexual exploitation are a tragedy of life for them and their children.
ROSI Foundation trained in Tailoring and Garments making. They are enrolled as a member in a SHG for victimized women. Counseling in legal and gender matters and motivation on human rights, health and IGP were given to them They are provided with sewing machines and raw materials support. So far, they are earning from tailoring works / garments production and gaining independence. Their exploitation, isolation and poverty have reduced. A life of dignity is now theirs.
 A life of dignity to Widow / Destitute Women
This program gives life to a tribe woman with economical sustaining and free of abuse and exploitation under the tragedy life.
The women of nomadic tribe community are deprived and affected by often family’s shifting to place to place, which was affecting them in sex abuse, exploitation and children cares followed the already poverty and hunger without any basic amenities making problems and tragedy. No income was by them or family members for at least one time food assurance per day and so the life is under risk and vigilant.
ROSI Foundation is training the women in Ornamental items weaving works and Jewel making. Counseling in legal and gender matters and motivation on human rights, health and IGP are given to them.
They are trained in Jewels (not gold) making works and provided input for the business. After the support, the beneficiaries’ woman are now confident of being able to earn a living and is aware of her legal rights. They are earning from weaving and selling the products and gaining independence. Their exploitation, abuse and poverty have reduced. A life of dignity is with them. In similar way, the programme is on going to other Gypsy women.
IGP support for Gypsy women
This programme gives life to a tribe woman with economical sustaining and free of abuse and exploitation under the tragedy life.
The women of nomadic tribe community are deprived and affected by often family’s shifting to place to place, which was affecting them in sex abuse, exploitation and children cares followed the already poverty and hunger without any basic amenities making problems and tragedy. No income was by them or family members for atleast one time food assurance per day and so the life is under risk and vigilant.
ROSI Foundation is training the women in Ornamental items weaving works and Jewel making. Counseling in legal and gender matters and motivation on human rights, health and IGP are given to them.
 Some Benefited Gypsy women
They are trained in Jewels (not gold) making works and provided input for the business. After the support, the beneficiaries’ women are now confident of being able to earn a living and are aware of her legal rights. They are earning from weaving and selling the products and gaining independence. Their exploitation, abuse and poverty have reduced. A life of dignity is with them. In similar way, the programme is on going to other Gypsy women.
SKILL TRAINING ON TAILROING AND GARMENTS This training is given to the risk girls/women and victims of trafficking and further widows and destitute women are also got the training They are to be completed the training by six months and then they will start garments concern by Govt subsidy and loan that will be facilitated by ROSI foundation.

They are averted from trafficking victims, abuse and exploitation toward economical independence. Some of them are provided with sewing machine and other materials for Garments business under our widows/destitute support programme.
This project is for preventing women and children from trafficking victims. In the works, sustainable empowerment of community and community based initiation on the human trafficking completed in twenty five villages in Nagapattinam and Tiruvarur district. Further another 60 villages are to be taken for the programme for the next three years in the two districts with some modification and new programme by the succession and sustainability of first phase models project.
• People committee organizing and trained
• Retrieved from trafficking
• Coaching centre
• Counseling programme
• Trained to skill trades from the retrieved
• IGP supported/ rehabilitated in the retrieved
New project among tribe people in Dindigul district and Tiruppur District is taking place for implementation at 41 villages with the following main activities.
• Motivation meeting
• People watching committee empowerment
• Training on prevention and rehabilitation
• Workshop
• Legal supports
• MFP training
• Counseling
• Coaching centre
These groups are organized among tribe, fishermen women and saltpan workers in that they are involving in small saving, interlending and IGP programme. Further they are equipped on human rights, gender rights, gender equality and child rights.

The girls and women of salt pans workers, Tribe, Gypsy and rural poor are getting Health training and freeing from RTI/STD, Anemia, hygienic and sanitation problem, earlier marriage, unsafe sex, undesirable pregnancy and unsafe abortion. In their family’s extreme poverty, bondage and cultural backwardness, the girls are affecting severely by health, education, earlier marriage, sex abuse, lack of sanitation and hygienic and mental aspects.
Earlier marriage, unsafe sex, low health and sanitation, affection by STD/RTI, risk in HIV/AIDS, undesired pregnancy and unsafe abortion, anemia and no hygienic existed among the adolescents’ girls due to the lack of knowledge, cultural backwardness, superstition, food & nutrias deficiency and parents care lacking
ROSI has given RCH training to 10500 girls and women on cleaning hands, personnel hygienic when menses and napkin using, anemia prevention, safe sex, earlier marriage and its affection, RT/STD. HIV/AIDS, etc. This training is still on going to other girls and women.
Now the trained girls are with personnel hygienic, free of anemia, using napkin, washing hands and body properly, taking tablets and treatment for STD/RTI, etc. they are free of the risk of diseases. They are following personnel hygienic, anemia prevention, stopping earlier marriage and knowledge on sex. The families members are also following the hands cleaning, personnel hygienic, realizing of earlier marriage and affection, abuses of the girls when parents’ absence, etc..
 GYPSY women and girls benefited in RCH training
Ms.Ramayee(Nilayapatti village), who is a dalit woman and was cheated by an upper caste male. He fully exploited her by sex and economical matters with a promise that he would marry her later. But later, he got marriage with other lady belonging to his upper caste and refused Ms.Ramayee to marry. He did not give the amount (Salary and cash as loan from her). Further he threatened her to murder, beating her. She sought support from us and we put petitions to concern people and other needful actions. After the pressure / actions, he has settled the salary and loan amount. If she is refusing to be as second wife, Rs 1.7 lacs valued land, Rs 20000 cash and Rs 10000 valued equipments for self business (garments) was given getting from him. (see photo in the photo gallery).
Mrs. A.Rengammal(Mukkanamalaipatti village) is dalit and widow woman. She is living with economical and social burden being dalit and poor. Her land 1.5 acres was occupied and enjoyed by a group of upper caste with bogus document and ownership. This issue was taken by us and we took actions. The land was recovered from them and returned to the lady. (see photo gallery)
Mr.A.Alagesan(Pudur village) is a dalit and his land 2 acres was occupied illegally by a group of upper caste and being enjoyed for the last ten years. The issue was come to our organisation and we took needful action and relieved the land from the group although we were threatened to murder and faced by so many problems. Now the land is retuned to him and under his possession and enjoyment (see photo gallery).
Ms.Nithya is 13 years old and belonging to Dalit community. She was raped by an upper caste male and threatened to murder her family if the incident was come out. They were as silent for three days and the matter was come out when took treatment for the injuries and bleeding. We were supportive for treatment and legal action. Now the person is under custody and trial is ongoing. He is to be punished. We are taking efforts for getting relief as interim.
Mrs.Cinnammal residing at Konavayal, is a dalit woman and working in stone quarry. Her one acre land occupied by a group of upper caste people. They have been enjoying for long time through cultivation activities. After our intervention and legal action, they relived from the land. Now the land is under her possession and enjoyment.
Mrs.Chitra was cheated by his lover Mr.Murugesan in Tiruppur, where they have loved each to other Since the last five year. They married themselves (no register and no proof and passing three months as so called wife and husband. But he escaped suddenly let her alone in the village (Nilayapatti). She was searching him some where but she could not find out him. She requested us to help her and then ROSI Foundation has provided legal action / legal support to her. At the end, Police captured him and he agreed to marriage and live with her. The marriage was done at Aranthanki – Sri Murugan Temple in that ROSI’s team participated. Now they are running their life in Tiruppur with good relationship with ROSI Foundation.
 ROSI’s Team
Ms.Pandimeenal is a trafficked victimized. She was cheated by Mr.Murugesan when they were working in Tiruppur. He married her and was running family with her for only 3.5 month. Then he escaped letting her alone. She was with three month pregnancy and came to our office and requested support. We gave supporting her for legal action. At final he was taken in to police custody and he agreed to live with her. Then they were running family only three months and then he escaped and is now under police searching. She delivered a female child and the mother and child are staying in a home with the support of ROSI Foundation expecting Mr.Murugesan.
Violence tribe was happened on the tribe by non-tribe group in that one girl (16) was raped and five families were hurt and sent in to caves from their habituating area. ROSI has taken steps directly to register case and arrest the offenders by pressuring the Govt functionaries. 376, 450, 323, 324, 506(II) section under IPC and 3(i)(xii) SC/ST atrocities prevention act of 1989 were registered. Four persons were arrested and the tribe people are to be rehabilitated by us after relief provided. Now they are in our old age home.
ROSI - RSWR PROJECT This project is for 25 women belonging to urban dalit poor women are under tragedy of life under poverty and exploitation. The project is run by revolving fund system and it is continuing by third batch of beneficiaries since it started. This one time funded project by RSWR, US is sustaining by revolving loan schemes.
 During RSWR’s evaluation visit to ROSI FOUNDATION that Ms.Viv Hawkins, Ms. Blake Lipsett and Dr.Kannan participated
SKILL TRAINING FOR TRIBE WOMEN: In Kudiraiyaru Dam, a tailoring centre is running for 25 tribe women / girls in that stitching, cutting, embroidering and fabrication works are being trained. They are participating in the training interestingly. In the end of the training, they will be provided by certificate and some inputs. Further they will be supported to start self business through Govt departments and financial institution.
ROSI Foundation Trained 747 women on Diary farmers Skill training by its training centres on dairy farmer in Pudukkottai, Trichy, Madurai and Sivaganagi districts. The beneficiaries are belonging to rural poor and agricultural community. They are getting one months’ training and Entrepreneur Development Training (EDP) is also given to all trainees after the training. Practical in feild, Training in room and exposures were done in the training. After the training, assessment took place.
Then Rs 1000 stipend and certificate are being provided to all passed candidates. In the following centres and batches with partnership –National Skill Development Corporation NSDC and Empower Pragathi Vocational training &staff Pvt Ltd, New Delhi and Thiyagarajar Educational Trust, Valappadi.